Planreal offers professional services in the areas of biological soil and groundwater remediation, land
management, depth profile measurements, methodical laboratory analyses, water sampling and permanent
monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells.
In addition to our specific environmental products,
our services are an integral part of our core business, which we continuously optimize and expand.
Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Planreal offers intelligent biological soil and groundwater remediation, as well as feasibility studies for contaminated land and sites. In addition to the remediation itself, our services include water sampling, permanent monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells, regulatory and legal affairs regarding implementation and environmental regulations, comprehensive analysis and risk assessment, as well as planning and consulting for sustainable optimal value creation.
Soil & Groundwater Remediation: Services and Experiences
- Intelligent biological soil and groundwater remediation
- Feasibility studies for contaminated land
- Water sampling
- Groundwater monitoring
- Regulatory and legal services
- Risk assessment
- Sustainable value creation planning

Planreal offers intelligent solutions for maximizing profits and creating optimal value on contaminated sites. Contaminated land has great potential for value creation. In close cooperation with our client, we design individual solution approaches to find the optimal land use option after bioremediation.
Land-Management: Services and Experiences
- Optimal value creation.
- Risk and impact assessment.
- Hazard assessment of soil and groundwater contamination.
- Profit/cost optimization for future site use.
- Coordination of activities between landowners and developers/investors.
- Specification of containment and remediation measures.
- Planning, construction, operation and maintenance.
- Coordination of cooperation between client and buyers.
- Investor sourcing.
Depth Profiling

Depth Profile Measurement is an important method in environmental remediation. By drilling samples and analysis, contaminated areas are mapped in order to plan appropiate remediation measures.
Laboratory Analysis

Planreal provides a variety of molecular biological methods in its in-house laboratory to detect and determine the potential for pollutant degradation. This service is an additional service to our feasibility studies.
Water Sampling

The results of water sample analysis can be used to monitor the quality of contaminated water, assess the effectiveness of remediation measures, and develop remediation plans.
Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater monitoring wells are an important tool in environmental remediation. By regularly monitoring groundwater, pollutants can be detected and removed early, before they can cause damage.