Boden- und Grundwassersanierung
Planreal offers comprehensive solutions for the decontamination of contamined soils and groundwater. Using innovative, biological In-situ methods, we effectively eliminate contaminants such as:
- MKWs, MTBE – mineral oils and their additives
- BTEX – (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) and trimethylbenzenes
- PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) - naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene
- HCs (Chlorinated Hydrocarbons) – PCE (perchloroethylene), TCE (trichloroethylene), cis/trans DCE (cis/trans-dichloroethene) and VC (vinyl chloride)
- Heavy metals - Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Co, As, Cr(VI)
- Cyanide, pesticides/fungicides, pentachlorophenol
Planreals proven 5-Point Strategy for Successfull Remediation
With our many years of experience and expertise in the remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, we offer our customers a professional and efficient remediation strategy tailored to each site and its contaminants.
1. Preliminary Investigations
Review of site history and exploration data:
- Identification of primary contaminations in the unsaturated zone (Vadose Zone) and the aquifer.
- Review of site plans, groundwater contour maps, and other previously conducted investigations.
- Chemical analyses of soil and groundwater samples.
- Groundwater modeling and identification of groundwater zones (FP600 Technologie).
Vorteile: Fundierte Sanierungsplanung, Minimierung von Risiken.

2. Laboratory Feasibility Study
Collection and Laboratory Analysis of Soil and Water Samples:
- Isolation of site-specific microbial consortia (FROG-Technologie®).
- Determination of current microbial pollutant degradation (RIO®-Tests).
- Determination of ecotoxicity (AvaTox®-Tests).
- Optimization of microbial contaminant degradation: Addition of nutrients, minerals, trace elements, or microbial consortia (ONE-Technology® and/or BioClean Technology®).
Advantages: The results of the laboratory feasibility study serve as the basis for developing a tailored remediation concept.

3. Test Field Trials
Laboratory results are applied to a representative test field at the site:
- Injection trials to determine the permeability and dispersion of active substances (e.g. ONE® and RedoxPrep®) in the aquifer.
- Correction of the groundwater environment (anaerob oder aerob) for optimized in-situ microbial pollutant degradation (ONE Technology®).
- If necessary, addition of specific microbial consortia (BioClean Technology®).
- Regular monitoring of the aquifer through chemical analyses and laboratory tests.
Advantages: Provides the basis for developing a sustainable, cost-efficient remediation concept.

4. Site Remediation
Implementation of the optimized, active microbial remediation from the test field on a large scale, taking into account the remediation goals:
- Compliance with limiting target values in the individual areas (industrial or residential).
- Achievement of a consistently retrograde (declining) contamination plume.
- Safeguard measures to prevent the spread of the contaminant plume during ongoing active remediation (biobarriers).
- Regular monitoring of the aquifer and contamination plume through chemical analyses and laboratory tests.
- Optimization of microbial contaminant degradation with sustainable long-term effects.
Advantages: Efficient, sustainable in-situ remediation without disrupting ongoing operations.

5. Completion of Remediation
The active remediation measures can be concluded when:
- The pollutant concentrations in the remediation areas and at the property boundary are consistently below the given threshold values.
- The remaining natural degradation capacity of the in-situ bioreactor is sufficient for the remaining diffuse contamination, and active remediation is replaced by regular monitoring* of the aquifer (Monitored Natural Attenuation - MNA).
- The implementation of biological in-situ remediation has reached the point where the contaminated site no longer poses a risk to human health and the environment.
* Regular monitoring ensures that corrective measures can be taken promptly to optimize the bioreactor at any time, without exceeding the financial budget for the client.

- Intelligent biological soil and groundwater remediation
- Feasibility studies for contaminated land
- Water sampling
- Groundwater monitoring
- Regulatory and legal services
- Risk assessment
- Sustainable value creation planning